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I thank you again... Ronda was very helpful and knowable of your product. I tell other about your coverage, and the \"peace of mind\", they could also enjoy and also have... I have never had to use you but the peace of mind I have knowing \"CARSHIELD\" is there and I'm in good hands. THANKS AGAIN YOU ALL.
Very professional helpful staff. The plan that I have was explained to me very well where I, understood the plan. And I, think I, was given a good plan by the rep. He did a good job in selling me the plan that I have. I will recommend CarShield to my friends and family and co-workers.
The customer representative I spoke with (Steve) was very nice, well spoken and answered all questions I had about the product. I was well pleased. The coverage I purchased is much better that what I was offered at the dealership where I purchased my car, plus it covers it a lot longer.
I have always been able to call customer service and get helped by friendly staff. I'm happy with my warranty at this time because I haven't had to utilize it but glad it's there just in case I need it for the future.
We were very satisfied with the service they provided at Cadillac and extremely satisfied with our warranty policy from CarShield. We would tell everyone about them and the fine service they provide there. Customer service is very friendly and they really do help you.
I never thought I was going to use this warranty and came to fact that I had to. You guys did great and quick, Justin ** at VW got in touch with you and the response was quick. The inspector was there next day and the following day my car was back to normal!!!
Jeremy:Your book on BLACKWATER is scarier than all get out. My question is this: Did the privatization of our military and \"black\" operations like Blackwater have a beginning under Reagan and Olie North or is there any connection As I recall Olie North has similarities to Prince.
To be totally honest, I have no problem with America having a military so large that there is no need for private security firms. Are you telling me that you would like to see a US Military the size that Reagan envisioned OK, let's do it. You join first.
As for Iraq being legal, well I put it right up there with our time in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Panama, Somalia,Mexico, Grenada, Lebanon, pretty much every military action we have ever done. If the people in power want to do something, they usually engineer a reason to do it.
As for the bit about people answering for what BW has done in Iraq, I don't see them doing anything outlandish. Anytime an event occured, usually some GS whatever was along for the ride. Take the day Art Laguna dies in January of this year. Not many folks here heard of him or will shed a tear at his demise. His MD550 helicopter was shot down in Baghdad providing top cover for a DOS motorcade that came under attack. Not much outrage over the insurgents killing him while he lay strapped inside the wrecked chopper.
Well gee.Blackwater seems to be the only company that you folks want to look at. That really strikes me as funny. i was about to list the 50 that i know off and have encountered over the last 3 years, but why make this any easier for youI'm not really here to defend them. I am here because i think quite a few people here really have no clue about what it's about doing that work. i'm not going to wave the flag, that's a little trite. The money is nice, but it never makes up for losing your life, or getting crippled. That and the money never lasts. You do that type of work because it's a thrill, it seems more meaningful than the usual BS occupations stateside and most of the people you meet are likeminded. By that, I mean they hate the wake up, eat, work, defecate sleep, repeat lifestyle back in the states. being a wage slave. i have to go check on a few folks.
With that in mind, here is the Recipe For Cooking A Frog:Place a frog in a pan of cool water.Do not use hot water as a frog is cold-blooded and will jump out if it is too hot.Turn the heat on low.As the water (hence the frog) gets warmer the frog will enjoy it and start swimming around quite happily.Leave the heat on low.The water will continue to heat up - as will the frog - up to the boiling point.Before it boils the frog will have become disabled from the heat so it can't jump out even if it wanted to.Boil the dead frog until fully cooked then serve.
Dear Mr. Scahill: Thank you for your report. I look forward to reading your book. I'm so glad you came here to New Orleans during the initial aftermath of Katrina. I had some personal encounters with Black Water soldiers here in those first days. I never left. Each day I would go out and do something to help people wandering the streets between the Superdome and Convention Center: feed them, make phone calls on their behalf. After the buses finally arrived, I found some rescued dogs on Canal Street who had been left there at a trailer while the rescuers went out to help more animals. I moved some out of the sun and began walking them one by one. Two Black Water soldiers approached, one of whom began barking orders at me and telling me I had to leave the animals alone. When a volunteer fireman approached to see what the problem was, the soldier told him \"this homeless woman is messing with these animals.\" I told him I wasn't homeless, I had an apartment nearby. He then barked at me, \"Don't talk to me!\" The other soldier said his comrade simply \"cares a lot about dogs,\" but the fireman told me after they left that that Black Water soldier had been going around harrasing people. I saw the soldier again the following day and said something like, \"Oh, they're letting you stay here\" He told me again, sternly with eyes full of malice, \"You can't talk to me!!\" and ran into the entranceway of the Marriott Hotel, which I later learned had hired Black Water. I stopped to talk to an acquaintance. Moments later, a N.O. police officer came out and told me the Black Water soldier had tried to persuade him to arrest me, which he wasn't going to do, but he advised me to make myself scarce, because the city was giving Black Water greater control in order to give the police force a break (he was on his way to the cruise ship Ecstacy.All the other Black Water soldiers were polite and nonthreatening (they served as search guards at the N.O. Public Library while FEMA was taking applications); however, I know first hand that there are soldiers among them who have personality/character disorders and have no business being among civilian populations anywhere in the world.
Also, it might interest you to know that Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Center was years ago an administrator of one of the State Department's antiterrorism training programs at the State Police Headquarters in Baton Rouge that trained foreign nationals. Mr. Perkins played many dirty tricks to get rid of the head of the instructers. After each training session there was a banquet. I attended the one for the Peruvian group. There was a bible placed at each place setting on the tables. I spoke with several of the Peruvians afterwards, who complained that Tony Perkins kept them imprisoned at the headquarters, and, even though they wanted to attend a Catholic mass on Sundays, he put them on buses and made them attend his evangelical church, in an obvious attempt to convert them.
I am reflecting upon an overall picture that has been developing since a certain terminology has been used in recent years. Since I started hearing war declared on various societal concerns, I have noticed that these concerns have become worse. For instance, The war on drugs has seen an increase in the amounts of certain drugs and higher quality illegal drugs into the united states and other countries around the world. Since the war on poverty, I have noticed an increase in poverty around the world to where half the population of the world now lives on less than $2 a day. Now with the war on terrorism, I have noticed an increase in the amount of terrorist attacks around the world. The reason I write this in the Blackwater site is that what I have also noticed, In all these \"wars\" the main response has come in the form of Privatization. What I am saying is that these wars are an excuse to increase governmental and so corporate monopolization of these areas of concern. The Coroporate and governmental response has been a tighter grip on drugs and their production, Poverty and it's production and terrorism and it's production worldwide. The way governments and corporations have accomplished this is to appoint themselves saviors of the world with these concerns. Governments now pay themselves and their corporate help billions of dollars to fight these wars while being the main perpetuating force behind the causes of drug abuse, poverty and terrorism. They are making sure we cooperate by keeping us distracted with imaginative fears based on scenarios of these problems getting out of control if they(corporations and governments), are forced to stop fighting these wars and the drug dealers, the poor and the terrorists are allowed free reign in this world. 59ce067264