Washington Beacon Sharpton
LINK === https://tinurll.com/2tkZFz
As the CNN series reminds viewers, Giuliani is the same politically ambitious cutthroat he was before 9/11 transformed him from a fading political entity into \"America's Mayor,\" a beacon of stability amid chaos. Journalist Nancy Collins describes him as \"the man meeting the moment, and I think he was good at that.\"
Together, we will ensure that the image of America, the image all of us love: America, this great shining light- this beacon of Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights that the world looks up to- is always lit. And the truth is that every child, every family, in America will be safer and more secure if they grow up in a world in which America is once again looked up to and respected. That is the world we can create together... Let's ensure that once again, in our one America, tomorrow will always be better than today. 59ce067264