[S5E6] There's Always A Woman
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Kim Wexler has always been a woman who knows how to set a boundary. She knows where her limits lie; she knows when to say \"enough.\" She knows this when Jimmy doesn't, a key difference between them. It's what makes her good for him (and sometimes, though not always, what makes him good for her).
\"No they don't. They say the same thing,\" Monica says. \"Every summer there's fire and every winter there's blizzards. One cleanses the forest and one protects it, then feeds its rivers in the springs, which feeds the valley. Those two same things happen in the city and they're devastating, because cities are the opposite of nature. They defy it, which is why they always crumble. I mean, these mountains have been around for 80 million years and they'll be around for millions more. Name a city that'll stand that long.\"
Laurence Bradford 19:04Yeah, yeah, I love what you said too about, like, the fears still creeping up. It's not something you ever just just eliminate altogether. You can't just like, be cured or something of having self doubt. Like you're always going to have some amount of self doubt, especially when you're doing new things. And like you have to do new things to progress as an individual and to evolve into. Absolutely, yeah, and I just have to mention this. I wasn't planning mentioning this, but there's this book that I read and a lot of what you just said, even though it's like totally different context, but it reminds me a lot of what the author was saying. And I'm not many people know this, but I'm like, kind of a big personal finance junkie I love like personal finance things. And there was this book I read recently that was probably my like, my, the biggest eye opening books for me ever. It's called secrets of secrets of six figure women by Barbara stanny. Get borrow Yeah, Barbara stanny. And she did this whole study. I'm not gonna get into every Cuz it's, you know, a whole book but she did this study compare comparing high high earning women to anyone earning more than six figures, whether they're an entrepreneur, whether they had a full time job or were an executive, whatever, or some even interviewed like actresses and singers and stuff. And then she also interviewed under earner so people that were earning like under a certain amount and kind of look at the personality traits and all that. And she found some like really a few key differences, not that many, she only looked at women.
And then there's the wives, always clad in teal. In season one, Crabtree used shades of blue to indicate which of the wives carried the most power, with those higher up dressed in darker shades. It's a beautiful color, but one that may also belie the inherent tragedy of the wives' existence. After all, although the wives are indeed a big part of the problem and actively work to oppress the other women of Gilead, it is not, as season two makes abundantly clear, a system designed to work in their favor. The power of the wives is, in most ways, an illusion; while they think of themselves as free, they are ultimately just as much at the mercy of their husbands as the handmaids or the Marthas. 59ce067264